Empire Autos NI was established in 2018 to service the requirements of car enthusiasts. Initially founded to offer the best quality automotive detailing in Northern Ireland, the business has grown into a very reputable quality used car dealership.

An ethos of constant and consistent reinvestment has propelled Empire Autos NI into a fantastic position within the market locally.

The business has an outstandingly loyal customer base which has ensured that, through minimal marketing, the business takes large steps forwards and obtains lots of great friends and customers along the way.

Each existing customer is treated the same whether they’re first timers or if they’re clients of ours for years. The knowledge, advice, honesty, and quality of service is the bedrock on which the company is built on.

Fundamentally, Empire Autos NI offer dependable, immaculately presented and competitively priced cars with minimal fuss – we want to make each experience one to remember.

Prior to sale, each of our cars go through rigorous inspections with fully trained mechanics and prepared by one of our fully qualified detailers.

Feel free to browse our extensive range of stock and contact us today for a pressure free, no obligation conversation.

Auto Detailing Service